Monday, August 16, 2010

Week Four

Today we watched a short film made from an aboriginal dream time story from the site Greg then asked us to make a concept map in insparation about one of the dream team stories. Below is a storyboard that I made useing insparation about the dreamtime story 'spear'.

I enjoyed doing this and thought it was a great way for children to retell a story.

We then moved on to counting and graphing
cholcloate mm's in the exel program. We looked at some of the different ways the children can use excel and graphs. We then made our own graphs in excel. To the right is one I made I got the pictures of the mm website

Monday, August 9, 2010

Week Three

Today we were given the task of making a small paper frog jump. We were given a small paper frog a piece of cardboard and a rubber band. The following is a step by step process on how we made our frog jump.

1. Tape frog to cardboard
2. Fold cardboard

3. Put ruber band around two fingers

4. Place folded cardboard over both sides of the rubber band
5. Pull back and shoot

(Our jumping frog is essentialy a sling shot)

We also documented our deign process on a design brief. This shows what the problem was and how we solved it. It would allow students to practice there problem solving skills and also procedual writing skills.

We also had a shot at making our own games on to the left is a quiz i made about Mighty Ducks 2. I can see how this would be a useful activity for children to do in the class as they could put there own ideas into it or be given a topic. It also allows for many diffrent quizes for students to try and therefore many diffrent learning opportunities .

Monday, August 2, 2010

Week Two

Today we discussed applying for jobs in primary schools and some of the do's and dont's of what to do when applying and preparing for an interview. We spoke about what sort of interview process we should expect and the type of atmosphere that will be presented to us.

Greg also mentioned that we should always ask a question at the end of the interview, this is something that I find interesting as I have known from past experience that after an interview I want to get out of there as soon as possible.

To the left is an example of a travel brocher that I made in Microsoft publisher. The country is Guniea which was a random page came up on wikipedia. I can see how using this would be a good teaching tool in the classroom. It gives students the tools to all work on the same skills while being able to choose a topic of their choice that intrests them to research when they make thier own brocher.
I found the process of making it realitevely easy and i think that students of most grade levels would be able to follow instructions on how to make one.

We also looked at some examples of e-portfollios. And started thinking how we would make our own e-portfollios. To the right is one that I started.